  • Welcome to the Salt Lake Home Builders Association!

    We are dedicated to supporting and promoting the home building industry in the Salt Lake Valley. Our mission is to provide advocacy, resources, and networking opportunities for builders, remodelers, and industry professionals. Join us as we work together to elevate the standards of home building and create a vibrant community for all.


  • Member Application

    Welcome to the Salt Lake Home Builders Association! If you would like to become a member, please fill out the form below. If you have questions about the application, e-mail us at membership@slhba.com or call us at 801-748-4134 and we'll be more than happy to help you!

    Step 1:

    Member Info
    Please add your company name.
    Please add your company phone number.
    Please add a valid email.
    Physical Address
    Please add your address.
    Please add your country.
    Please add your City.
    Please add your State.
    Please add your Postal Code.
    Mailing Address
    Social Network Addresses

    Step 2:

    Additional Info
    Please add your company description.
    Please add your business keywords.
    Please select a directory category.
    Looks good!
    Looks good!
    Looks good!

    Step 3:

    Primary Contact
    Please add your first name.
    Please add your last name.
    Please add your phone number.
    Please add a valid email.

    Contact Preference

    Please add your address.
    Please add your country.
    Please add your City.
    Please add your State.
    Please add your Postal Code.
    Social Network Addresses
    Create Account
    Please add your login password.

    Step 4:

    Billing Contact
    Please add your first name.
    Please add your last name.
    Please add your phone number.
    Please add a valid email.

    Contact Preference

    Please add your address.
    Please add your country.
    Please add your City.
    Please add your State.
    Please add your Postal Code.
    Social Network Addresses
    Create Account
    Please add your login password.

    Step 5:

    Membership Package
    Please select a Membership Package
    Additional Options:
    Payment Option
    Please complete the Captcha
  • Through our partnership with Homeaid Utah, we aim to make a meaningful impact by helping the homeless in the Salt Lake Valley. Together, we can help create positive change and support those in need.

  • Governmental Affairs

    Our mission is to see that every person has an opportunity to enjoy a home, and operate their business in a supportive free market. Members give of their time to advocate locally.

  • Sponsors

    We are able to accomplish our mission and objectives through the ongoing generosity of dedicated sponsor members. Please support their businesses knowing they give willingly to community.


  • NAHB

    The official news blog of NAHB and your one-step source for home building industry news, product information, and educational resources.