  • Welcome to the Salt Lake Home Builders Association!

    We are dedicated to supporting and promoting the home building industry in the Salt Lake Valley. Our mission is to provide advocacy, resources, and networking opportunities for builders, remodelers, and industry professionals. Join us as we work together to elevate the standards of home building and create a vibrant community for all.


  • Benefits Of Membership


    Three Memberships in One

    Once you join the Salt Lake Home Builders Association, you also become a member of the Utah Home Builders Association (Utah HBA) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). As part of this network, you gain access to a wide range of information, activities, services and discounts that will contribute to the success of your business. Go to the link below to discover the many discounts that NAHB offers its members through Member Advantage. Member Benefits | NAHB

    Get Referrals

    Your listing in the current Directory puts your name in front of potential customers throughout all Salt Lake County. To ensure that we represent our entire membership equally, we do not make individual referrals.

    Know Who’s Who

    The SLHBA directory is the most comprehensive source of information about local construction professionals. Members are listed alphabetically and by specialty. The directory is distributed throughout Salt Lake, and is also included in the Salt Lake Parade of Home's Website. There is also an online directory at www.slhba.com. The online directory is updated instantaneously when a new member joins, and contains links to member websites. Advertising in both directories is available to members only.

    Make Contacts

    Meet other members and exchange services within the Association. Network and socialize with other members at afternoon socials and other SLHBA events. If you want to introduce new products or services to the members, please contact us for sponsorship opportunities.

    Salt Lake Parade of Homes

    The Salt Lake Parade of Homes is the first in the country dating back to 1946As a member, you will be listed in the directory that is included in the Parade Magazine and Website that is widely distributed throughout the Salt Lake area and given to all ticket buyers. Also, if you are a subcontractor on a Showcase home, you will be listed on the builder page.  

    Keep up with Changes in the Industry

    It can be difficult to stay up-to-date on legal and regulatory changes affecting the construction industry, such as technical and product advancements, new thinking in sales and marketing strategies, evolving management and production tools and other ongoing changes. SLHBA makes it easier. Throughout the year, we offer continuing education classes on subjects of vital importance to our membership. Sample topics include:

    I9 and Workers Compensation

    Building Code Requirements

    Insulation Issues

    Lien Rights

    OSHA Safety

    Building Science seminar

    Education seminars are advertised on our website and via email.

    Reduce your Worker’s Compensation Costs

    Joining the SLHBA and remaining in good standing can make you eligible for a discount on Worker’s Compensation. Please check with your insurance broker regarding these types of discounts.

    Advertise to a Targeted Audience

    Only members may advertise in our annual membership directory and on our website. Sponsorship of education events, monthly Membership Socials, and special events are listed on our website and included on a sponsor appreciation page in the Salt Lake Parade of Homes. Contact our office for more information regarding these opportunities, as space is very limited.

  • Through our partnership with Homeaid Utah, we aim to make a meaningful impact by helping the homeless in the Salt Lake Valley. Together, we can help create positive change and support those in need.

  • Governmental Affairs

    Our mission is to see that every person has an opportunity to enjoy a home, and operate their business in a supportive free market. Members give of their time to advocate locally.

  • Sponsors

    We are able to accomplish our mission and objectives through the ongoing generosity of dedicated sponsor members. Please support their businesses knowing they give willingly to community.


  • NAHB

    The official news blog of NAHB and your one-step source for home building industry news, product information, and educational resources.