  • Kendra's New Railing

  • The smile on Kendra's face after being surprised with her new hand railing says it all. We are lucky to be teamed up with 97.1 ZHT to find monthly projects for us to be able to help others in our community. Kendra has Cerebal Palsy and was in need of a new railing in order to make it into her house safely. Winter had always been a struggle for her and she had fallen this past winter causing her to split her head open making her scared to use stairs without her moms assistance. Our community service committee was able to team up with Wacey Holt from Iron & Alloy Co. to make the railings for us overnight and Kevin Langford with Powder Extreme Coatings who power coated them for us immediately!

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  • Through our partnership with Homeaid Utah, we aim to make a meaningful impact by helping the homeless in the Salt Lake Valley. Together, we can help create positive change and support those in need.

  • Governmental Affairs

    Our mission is to see that every person has an opportunity to enjoy a home, and operate their business in a supportive free market. Members give of their time to advocate locally.

  • Sponsors

    We are able to accomplish our mission and objectives through the ongoing generosity of dedicated sponsor members. Please support their businesses knowing they give willingly to community.


  • NAHB

    The official news blog of NAHB and your one-step source for home building industry news, product information, and educational resources.