The mission of the Home Builders Association is to promote the American Dream of home ownership and protect our free enterprise system. To do this, we need to be active at all levels of government. Our members enjoy association on the local, state, and national level with each serving a different role. At the national level our members advocate to Congress, the state to our legislature and on the local level to City and County leaders.
At all levels the efforts of our members are bipartisan seeking to elect pro-housing, pro-business candidates. Too, we reach out with educational session suggesting new ideas and techniques to improve home building. We operate a state-of-the-art testing facility developing building components to advance our industry in efficiency, quality and cost.
Our advocacy not only offers to the market new ideas but suggests what unintended consequences may exist with policy or regulation. Simple decisions of land planning have long-term effects on our communities. Through our labors we have been successful in promoting housing for over 75 years.
Homeownership plays an important role in both the lives of our citizens and the freedom of our democracy. Our members are active businesspeople who everyday are in the field working hands on with customers, engineers, planners, and leaders seeking common goals.
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Utah State Legislature
City and County Government
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Impact Fee Legal Notifications
Utah Property Rights Ombudsman
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